Approved Regulations

The California Veterinary Medical Board's (Board) regulations are contained in the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 16, Division 20, Articles 1–11. The Board's building standards are contained in CCR, Title 24, Part 2, Ch. 12 Section 1251, et. seq.

CCR Sections 2009, 2010, 2014, 2014.1, 2015, 2015.1, 2015.2, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2021.1, 2021.3, 2021.4, 2021.5, 2021.6, 2021.7, 2021.8, 2021.8A, 2021.9, 2021.10, 2068.6, 2086.4

California Exams, CE, Temp. Licenses, and Veterinary Premises (Section 100)

CCR Sections 2032.1, 2032.25, 2038.5

Veterinarian–Client–Patient Relations (Section 100)

CCR Sections 2000, 2070, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2085.4

Location of Offices and Wellness Evaluation Committee (Section 100)

CCR Title 24, Part 2, Ch. 12 Section 1251, et. seq.

Veterinary Premises

CCR Sections 2006, 2006.5, 2006.51, 2006.52, 2006.53, 2006.54, 2006.55, and 2006.56

Uniform Standards for Substance–Abusing Licensees

CCR Section 2068.5

RVT Equivalent Experience and Education

CCR Section 2043

Civil Penalties for Citations

CCR Sections 2070, 2071, and 2071.1

Updated Fees (Section 100)

CCR Section 2090–2095

Drug Compounding in a Veterinary Premises

CCR Section 2006

Veterinary Medical Board Disciplinary Guidelines (October 2021)

Animal Physical Rehabilitation

Limited Term RVT Examination Eligibility (Section 100)

Sodium Pentobarbital/Euthanasia Training (Section 100)

Fee Schedule - Certificate of Compliance

RVT Emergency Animal Care

Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationships (VCPRs)

RVT Job Tasks

Criminal Conviction Substantial Relationship and Rehabilitation Criteria (AB 2138)

Fee Schedule - Re-Adoption of Emergency Filing

Fee Schedule - Emergency Filing

Consumer Protection Enforcement Initiative (CPEI)


Fee Schedule - Certificate of Compliance

Fee Schedule - Second Re-Adoption of Emergency Filing

Fee Schedule - Re-Adoption of Emergency Filing

Fee Schedule - Emergency Filing

Animal Control and Humane Officer Training

Civil Penalties for Citation

Veterinary Assistant Controlled Substances Permit (VACSP) Program

Animal Rehabilitation

Spay and Neuter Specialized License Plate

Veterinary Technician National Examination Transition

Registered Veterinary Technician School Approval Regulations

Disciplinary Guidelines

Minimum Standards of Veterinary Practice