The Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) has been regulating veterinary medicine in the State of
California since 1893. The VMB is a governmental agency whose mission is to protect all
California consumers and animals by regulating licensees, promoting professional standards, and
enforcing the California Veterinary Medicine Practice Act. The VMB fulfills its mission by
developing, maintaining, and enforcing professional standards including licensing veterinarians,
registered veterinary technicians (RVTs), veterinary assistant controlled substances permit
holders (VACSPs) and veterinary premises.
An eight-member board serves as the decision-making body for the VMB that includes four
veterinarians, one RVT and three public members. Additionally, the VMB's Multidisciplinary
Advisory Committee (MDC) assists, advises, and make recommendations on various VMB laws and
policies. Both the VMB and MDC meet at least four times per calendar year in meetings open to
the public. VMB staff handle day-to-day functions of the VMB, that includes consumer outreach,
licensing, enforcement, and veterinary premises inspections.
The licensing section of the VMB includes current licensees, applications for new licensees and
the Wellness Program. To contact the licensing section of the VMB, please send an email to:
The enforcement section of the VMB includes monitoring and investigating complaints, processing
violations of the Veterinary Practice Act and monitoring probationers. To contact the
enforcement section of the VMB, please send an email to: