Agenda Items and Meeting Materials


January 30-31, 2020

Department of Consumer Affairs
1747 N. Market Blvd.
1st Floor Hearing Room
Sacramento, CA 95834

Board Members
Jaymie Noland, DVM, President
Kathy Bowler, Vice President
Christina Bradbury, DVM
Jennifer Loredo, RVT
Mark Nunez, DVM
Dianne Prado
Cheryl Waterhouse, DVM
Alana Yanez

Action may be taken on any item listed on the agenda

10:00 a.m. Thursday, January 30, 2020

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum
  2. Introductions
  3. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
    Note: The Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting. (Government Code Sections 11125, 11125.7(a).)
  4. Review and Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
    1. October 9-11, 2019
    2. November 6, 2019
  5. Report and Update from Department of Consumer Affairs
  6. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action on Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (MDC) Report – Jeff Pollard, DVM
    1. Overview of January 29, 2019 MDC Meeting
  7. Report on the Current Statutory Framework Regarding Rodeos
  8. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on the Board’s Guidelines for Veterinarian Discussion of Cannabis Within the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
  9. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on the Board’s Strategic Plan
  10. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Proposed Regulations
    1. Status Update on Pending Regulations
    2. Sections 2090-2096, Article 11, Division 20, Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Regarding Drug Compounding
    3. Section 2032.1, Article 4, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship and Informed Consent of a Client
    4. Sections 2040 and 2041, Article 5, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Substantial Relationship and Rehabilitation Criteria to Comply with the Requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 2138 (Chiu, Chapter 995, Statutes of 2018)
    5. Section 2043, Article 5.5, Division 20, Title 16, of CCR Regarding Civil Penalties for Citation
  11. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on 2019-2020 Legislation
    1. Animal Blood Banking Legislation
      1. AB 366 (Bloom, 2019) Animals: blood, blood components, and biologics
      2. Senate Bill (SB) 202 (Wilk, 2019) Animal blood donors
      3. Legislation Introduced or to be Introduced in 2020
    2. AB 228 (Aguiar-Curry, 2019) Food, beverage, and cosmetic adulterants: industrial hemp products
    3. SB 627 (Galgiani, 2019) Cannabis and cannabis products: medicinal use on an animal patient: veterinary medicine
    4. Legislation Introduced or to be Introduced in 2020 Regarding the Board’s Sunset
  12. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Amendments to Business and Professions Code Sections 4875.2 and 4875.6 Regarding Contesting a Citation and Procedure for Issuing a Citation
  13. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding American Association of Veterinary State Boards
    1. Call for Bylaws Amendments
    2. Proposed Amendments to Model Regulations Regarding Appropriate Use of Opioids and Other Controlled Substances
    3. Proposed Amendments to Model Regulations Regarding Scope of Practice for Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Technologists
    4. Resolution 2019-1 Regarding Regular Submission of Licensee Data
    5. Nominations for the 2020-2021 Leadership Positions
    6. Legal Counsel Funding Program
  14. Recess until January 31, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.
  15. 9:00 a.m. Friday, January 31, 2020

  16. Reconvene - Establishment of a Quorum
  17. Special Order of Business
    1. Petition for Termination of Probation – Joseph Bisignano, DVM, License No. 18138
    2. Petition for Termination of Probation – Miguel Rivera, RVT, Registration No. 12349
  18. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3), the Board Will Meet in Closed Session to Deliberate and Vote on the Above Petitions and Disciplinary Matters, Including Stipulations and Proposed Decisions
  19. Board President Report – Jaymie Noland, DVM
  20. Registered Veterinary Technician Report – Jennifer Loredo, RVT
  21. National Association Involvement Reports – Kathy Bowler
    1. International Council for Veterinary Assessment
    2. American Association of Veterinary State Boards Member and Program Services Think Tank
  22. Executive Management Reports
    1. Joint Sunset Review Oversight
    2. Administration
    3. Examination
    4. Licensing
    5. Enforcement
    6. Probation
    7. Hospital Inspection
    8. Public Outreach
  23. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Dates
  24. Adjournment


This agenda can be found on the Veterinary Medical Board website at Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. The time and order of agenda items are subject to change at the discretion of the Board President and may be taken out of order. Items scheduled for a particular day may be moved to an earlier or later day to facilitate the effective transaction of business. In accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, all meetings of the Board are open to the public.

The meeting will be webcast, provided there are no unforeseen technical difficulties or limitations. To view the webcast, please visit The meeting will not be cancelled if webcast is not available. If you wish to participate or to have a guaranteed opportunity to observe and participate, please plan to attend at a physical location. Meeting adjournment may not be webcast if it is the only item that occurs after a closed session.

Government Code section 11125.7 provides the opportunity for the public to address each agenda item during discussion or consideration by the Board prior to the Board taking any action on said item. Members of the public will be provided appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board, but the Board President may, at his or her discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak. Individuals may appear before the Board to discuss items not on the agenda; however, the Board can neither discuss nor take official action on these items at the time of the same meeting (Government Code sections 11125, 11125.7(a)).

The meeting locations are accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs disability-related accommodations or modifications to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting the Board at (916) 515-5220, email:, or send a written request to the Veterinary Medical Board, 1747 N. Market St., Suite 230, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodations. TDD Line: (916) 326-2297