Agenda Items and Meeting Materials
August 29-30, 2018
Department of Consumer Affairs
1747 N. Market Blvd.
1st Floor Hearing Room
Sacramento, California 95834
Click here to review the full packet
10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 29, 2018
1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum
2. Introductions
3. Review and Approval of May 23-24, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
4. Report and Update from Department of Consumer Affairs
5. Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (MDC) Report – Dr. Jeff Pollard
- Review, Discussion, and Possible Board Action on MDC Items and Recommendations (MDC Agenda)
6. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Proposed Regulations:
- Status of Pending Regulations
- Amend Sections 2030-2030.5, Article 4, Division 20, Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Regarding Minimum Standards for Veterinary Premises/Practices
- Amend Sections 2032.15 and 2032.25, Article 4, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationships (VCPRs).
- Amend Sections 2036.1, 2064, 2065, 2065.1, 2065.2, 2065.6, 2065.7, 2065.8, 2066, and 2068.5 of Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) School Approval and RVT Student Exemption
- Amend Section 2006, Article 1, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Board Disciplinary Guidelines.
7. 2018 Legislation Report; Possible Action to Adopt Positions on Legislative Items:
- AB 710 (Wood, Chapter 62, Statutes of 2018) Cannabidiol
- AB 1753 (Low, 2018) Controlled substances: CURES database
- AB 1776 (Steinorth, 2018) Emergency medical transport of police dogs: pilot project
- AB 2138 (Chiu, 2018) Licensing boards: denial of application: revocation or suspension of licensure: criminal conviction
- AB 2215 (Kalra, 2018) Cannabis: veterinarians: animals
- AB 2300 (Maienschein, 2018) Continuing education: veterinarians
- AB 2362 (Rubio, 2018) Safe transportation of dogs and cats
- AB 2483 (Voepel, 2018) Indemnification of public officers and employees: antitrust awards
- AB 2589 (Bigelow, Chapter 81, Statutes of 2018) Controlled substances: human chorionic gonadotropi.
- AB 2958 (Quirk, 2018) State bodies: meetings: teleconference
- AB 3013 (Chu, 2018) Veterinary medicine: animal physical rehabilitation
- SB 1305 (Glazer, 2018) Emergency medical services providers: dogs and cats
- SB 1480 (Hill, 2018) Professions and vocations
- SB 1491 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development, 2018) Healing arts
10. Board President Report – Dr. Cheryl Waterhouse
12. Executive Officer & Staff Reports
- Administrative/Budget - Review and Possible Action on Diversion Program MAXIMUS Participant Costs for Consideration of Fee Increase
- Enforcement
- Licensing/Examination
- Hospital Inspection
- 2015-2019 Strategic Plan Objectives Update
- DCA Internal Audits
13. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
14. Future Agenda Items
15. Recess until August 30, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 30, 2018
16. Reconvene - Establishment of a Quorum
17. Introductions
18. Special Order of Business
- Petition for Modification of Penalty – Jessica Salgado, RVT, Registration No. 11644
- Petition for Modification of Penalty – Meaghan Speers, RVT, Probationary Registration No. 12121
- Petition for Modification of Penalty – Jeffrey Hare, DVM License No. 21564
19. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3), the Board Will Deliberate on the Above Petitions and Disciplinary Actions.
20. Reconvene Open Session
21. Adjournment