Agenda Items and Meeting Materials


August 29-30, 2018
Department of Consumer Affairs
1747 N. Market Blvd.
1st Floor Hearing Room
Sacramento, California 95834

Click here to review the full packet

10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 29, 2018

1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum

2. Introductions

3. Review and Approval of May 23-24, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

4. Report and Update from Department of Consumer Affairs

5. Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (MDC) Report – Dr. Jeff Pollard

  1. Review, Discussion, and Possible Board Action on MDC Items and Recommendations (MDC Agenda)

6. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Proposed Regulations:

  1. Status of Pending Regulations
  2. Amend Sections 2030-2030.5, Article 4, Division 20, Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Regarding Minimum Standards for Veterinary Premises/Practices
  3. Amend Sections 2032.15 and 2032.25, Article 4, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationships (VCPRs).
  4. Amend Sections 2036.1, 2064, 2065, 2065.1, 2065.2, 2065.6, 2065.7, 2065.8, 2066, and 2068.5 of Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) School Approval and RVT Student Exemption
  5. Amend Section 2006, Article 1, Division 20, Title 16 of the CCR Regarding Board Disciplinary Guidelines.

7. 2018 Legislation Report; Possible Action to Adopt Positions on Legislative Items:

  1. AB 710 (Wood, Chapter 62, Statutes of 2018) Cannabidiol
  2. AB 1753 (Low, 2018) Controlled substances: CURES database
  3. AB 1776 (Steinorth, 2018) Emergency medical transport of police dogs: pilot project
  4. AB 2138 (Chiu, 2018) Licensing boards: denial of application: revocation or suspension of licensure: criminal conviction
  5. AB 2215 (Kalra, 2018) Cannabis: veterinarians: animals
  6. AB 2300 (Maienschein, 2018) Continuing education: veterinarians
  7. AB 2362 (Rubio, 2018) Safe transportation of dogs and cats
  8. AB 2483 (Voepel, 2018) Indemnification of public officers and employees: antitrust awards
  9. AB 2589 (Bigelow, Chapter 81, Statutes of 2018) Controlled substances: human chorionic gonadotropi.
  10. AB 2958 (Quirk, 2018) State bodies: meetings: teleconference
  11. AB 3013 (Chu, 2018) Veterinary medicine: animal physical rehabilitation
  12. SB 1305 (Glazer, 2018) Emergency medical services providers: dogs and cats
  13. SB 1480 (Hill, 2018) Professions and vocations
  14. SB 1491 (Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development, 2018) Healing arts

8. Discuss and Possible Action on Amendments to the Board and Committee Member Administrative Procedure Manual

9. Discussion and Possible Action on American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) Resolution 2018-1 and Practice Act Model Changes

10. Board President Report – Dr. Cheryl Waterhouse

11. Discuss and Possible Action on Office of Professional Examination Services Review Report Regarding Veterinary Technician National Examination Validation and Occupational Analysis– Heidi Lincer, Chief, Office of Professional Examination Services, Department of Consumer Affairs

12. Executive Officer & Staff Reports

  1. Administrative/Budget - Review and Possible Action on Diversion Program MAXIMUS Participant Costs for Consideration of Fee Increase
  2. Enforcement
  3. Licensing/Examination
  4. Hospital Inspection
  5. 2015-2019 Strategic Plan Objectives Update
  6. DCA Internal Audits

13. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda

14. Future Agenda Items

15. Recess until August 30, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 30, 2018

16. Reconvene - Establishment of a Quorum

17. Introductions

18. Special Order of Business

  1. Petition for Modification of Penalty – Jessica Salgado, RVT, Registration No. 11644
  2. Petition for Modification of Penalty – Meaghan Speers, RVT, Probationary Registration No. 12121
  3. Petition for Modification of Penalty – Jeffrey Hare, DVM License No. 21564


19. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3), the Board Will Deliberate on the Above Petitions and Disciplinary Actions.



20. Reconvene Open Session

21. Adjournment