Meeting Agenda
Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee
1747 N. Market Blvd.
"Hearing Room"
Sacramento, California
April 23, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Open Session
I. Call to Order- Establishment of a Quorum
II. Introductions
III. Approval of November 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes
IV. Executive Officer Report
V. Discuss On-going Issues
B. RVT Student Exemption Issues
C. Update on Minimum Standards and the Impact of Implementation – (Informational Only) - Hospital Standards Checklist
D. Review and Consider Telemedicine
E. Review and Consider University License
F. Review and Consider Electronic Record Keeping
VI. Comments from Public/Outside Agencies/Associations
6. Agenda Items and Next Meeting Dates
B. Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee Meetings – Sacramento July 22, 2014
Times stated are approximate and subject to change. This meeting will conform to the Open Meeting Act. Agenda discussions and report items are subject to action being taken on them during the meeting by the Board at its discretion. The Board provides the public the opportunity at meetings to address each agenda item during the Board’s discussion or consideration of the item. Total time allocated for public comment may be limited.
The meeting locations are accessible to the physically disabled. Other disability-related accommodations or modifications can be provided upon request. Please make your request for disability-related accommodations by contacting the Board at (916) 515-5220 or sending a written request to 1747 N. Market St., Suite 230, Sacramento, CA 95834. Provide at least five (5) business days notice prior to the meeting to help ensure availability of requested accommodations.