2025 Citations and Disciplinary Actions

Last Updated: 2/19/2025


Licensed Citations

Bajwa, Muhammad Ayub (VET 18440)
Yorba Linda, CA

On February 10, 2025, a $5,000 citation was issued to Muhammad Ayub Bajwa (VET 18440) for the following: Negligence; failure to establish a veterinarian–client–patient–relationship; failure to document if a drug consultation was provided or declined in the medical record; failure to document a history or pertinent information in the medical record; and failure to document data from the physical examination in the medical record. (BPC §§ 4829.5(d); 4857(a)(1); & 4883(c), (g), (i), & (o); CCR, Title 16, §§ 2032.1(b)(3); & 2032.3(a)(6–7)). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the doctor's profile.

Sandhu, Kanwarjot (VET 22556)
Cameron Park, CA

On February 10, 2025, a $5,000 citation was issued to Kanwarjot Sandhu (VET 22556) for the following: Negligence; and creating a falsified medical record. (BPC §§ 4883(g), & (i); CCR, Title 16, § 2032.35). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the doctor's profile.

Singla, Shikher (VET 20024)
San Francisco, CA

On February 10, 2025, a $4,000 citation was issued to Shikher Singla (VET 20024) for the following: Negligence; and providing the Board with altered medical records. (BPC §§ 4883(g) & (i); CCR, Title 16, § 2032.35). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the doctor's profile.

Hardy, Gregory (VET 11706)
Monrovia, CA

On February 5, 2025, a $5,000 citation was issued to Gregory Hardy (VET 11706) for the following: Negligence in the treatment of multiple animal patients including failure to provide discharge instructions for continued home parvovirus care; failure to prescribe antibiotics; failure to communicate to the client a course of treatment for animal patient's at home care; prescribing a higher dose of Metronidazole and Panacur than the safety margins for these medications; failure to communicate to the client an appropriate course of treatment, or the reason for not administering vaccines; failure to establish a veterinarian-client-patient-relationship prior to providing treatment; failure to create a medical record; failure to submit requested medical records to the Board; failure to document an assessment for an animal patient; failure to document a prognosis for multiple animal patients; and failure to document the quantity and type of subcutaneous fluids prescribed and/or administered to an animal patient. (BPC §§ 4855; 4856; & 4883(c), (g), (i), & (o); CCR, Title 16, §§ 2032.1(b)(3); & 2032.3(a)(10-12)). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the doctor's profile.




Downhill, Jody Ellen (VET 13867)
Woodland Hills, CA

Fallbrook Veterinary Clinic (HSP 1720)
Woodland Hills, CA

On February 10, 2025, an Accusation was filed against Jody Ellen Downhill (VET 13867) and Fallbrook Veterinary Clinic (HSP 1720) for the following: Negligence; Violations of the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act; Failure to Conform to Minimum Standards; and Deceit. (BPC §§ 4170; 4840.7; 4850; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4883(c), (h), (i), & (o); CCR, Title 16, §§ 2030; 2030.1; 3368; 6151; & 30255; CFR §§ 1301.75; & 1304.22). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee’s profile.

Lynch, Paul F. (VET 13244)
Lawndale, CA

On January 31, 2025, a First Amended Accusation was filed against Paul F. Lynch (VET 13244) for: Failure to Supervise; Record Keeping – Failure to Prepare Record; Incompetence; Negligence; Record Keeping Violations – Failure to Document Treatment and/or Surgical Procedures, Discrepancies in Records, and Failure to Document Diagnosis or Assessment; Unprofessional Conduct – Dispensing Medications Without Medical Necessity and Prescribing Medications Inconsistent with Condition; Record Keeping Violations – Failure to Document/Administration of Medications and Failure to Document/Prescribing and/or Dispensing Medications. (BPC §§ 4170(a)(2), (c), & (d); 4855; 4883(c), (g)(3), (i), & (o); & 4885; CCR, Title 16, §§ 2032; 2032.1(c); 2032.3(a)(7–10; & 12); 2032.4(a)(6); & 2035(a) & (b)). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.

Roberts, Grace (VET 13411)
Alpine Veterinary Hospital and House Calls (HSP 6885)
Weed, CA

On January 27, 2025, an Accusation was filed against Grace Roberts (VET 13411) and Alpine Veterinary Hospital and House Calls (HSP 6885) for the following: Negligence in the treatment of multiple patients; Incompetence in the treatment of multiple patients; Failure to Provide or Document Drug Consultations. (BPC §§ 4829.5; & 4883(i)).
Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the doctor’s profile.

Serio, Bryanna (VACS 14728)
Stockton, CA

On January 21, 2025, an Accusation was filed against Bryanna Serio (VACS 14728) for the following: Criminal Conviction. (BPC § 4836.2(b)(5)). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.




Sandhu, Mukand S (VET 11634)
Bakersfield, CA

Effective January 30, 2025, Mukand S Sandhu was granted a Petition for Reinstatement of his Veterinarian License (VET 11634) and placed on probation for (5) years. The license was previously revoked, effective May 27, 2021, for: Negligence; Incompetence; Practicing Veterinary Medicine without a Premise License; Record Keeping; as well as violations of probation conditions including: obeying all laws, cooperating with probation surveillance, payment of cost recovery and fine, and supervised practice. (BPC §§ 4883(i), & (o); 4855; CCR, Title 16, §§ 2032; 2032.3; & 2032.4). Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.


Coghlan, James C (VET 9742)
Lake Forest, CA

Effective January 30, 2025, James C Coghlan was denied a Petition for Early Termination of Probation concerning his Veterinarian License (VET 9742); however, the Tolling of Probation and Supervised Practice terms of probation were modified. The license was previously granted a Petition for Reinstatement effective May 13, 2021, and placed on probation for (5) years. The license was previously revoked, effective March 17, 2017 for: failure to obey all laws, failure to submit quarterly probation reports, failure to appear for biological fluid testing and failure to abstain from alcohol use while on probation. Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.


Birch, Sarah (VET 18616)
Sierra Madre, CA

Effective February 13, 2025, the license of Sarah Birch (VET 18616) was placed on probation for three (3) years. Respondent is prohibited from supervising students, interns, or residents. Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.

Porubovich, Lindsey Leonore (VET 21113)
Bonsall, CA

Effective January 30, 2025, the license of Lindsey Leonore Porubovich (VET 21113) was placed on probation for three (3) years. Respondent is prohibited from supervising students, interns, or residents. Click here to obtain a copy of the action or view the licensee's profile.